################################## # SkinsRestorer config # ################################## # We from SRTeam thank you for using our plugin! # We recommend you read the official installation guide before asking for help: # https://skinsrestorer.net/docs/installation # We have prepared a few resources to help you configure the plugin: # General help: https://skinsrestorer.net/docs/configuration # Commands and permissions: https://skinsrestorer.net/docs/configuration/commands-permissions # Translations and messages: https://skinsrestorer.net/docs/configuration/locale-translations # If you encounter issues, you can do the following: # Read the troubleshooting guide: https://skinsrestorer.net/docs/troubleshooting # For advanced help or other, go to our Discord Server: https://skinsrestorer.net/discord # (?) Step by step installation guide: https://skinsrestorer.net/docs/installation # (!) IF YOU ARE USING A PROXY (BungeeCord, Waterfall or Velocity), YOU NEED TO INSTALL SKINSRESTORER ON THE PROXY AND ALL SERVERS! (!) # (!) YOU ALSO NEED TO CONFIGURE YOUR SERVERS TO DETECT THE PROXY! (!) # (!) AND YOU ALSO NEED TO PUT THE SAME CONFIG FILE IN ALL PROXIES AND SERVERS! (!) # (!) You can find detailed proxy instructions here: https://skinsrestorer.net/docs/installation ########## # Locale # ########## # Translation & message options here # To learn more about translations and how to make custom translations, visit: https://skinsrestorer.net/docs/configuration/locale-translations messages: # A locale code for the locale you want to use by default for messages and commands. # Has to be a string separated by an underscore. locale: en # A locale code for the messages and commands sent to the console. # This is useful if you want to use a different locale for the console than for players. # We recommend keeping this at the default value because we mostly only provide support in English. # Has to be a string separated by an underscore. consoleLocale: en # Disable the message prefix in SkinsRestorer messages. disablePrefix: false # Every message sent by the plugin will use the players client locale if a translation is available. # If disabled, the config locale will be used instead. perIssuerLocale: true ############ # Database # ############ # Settings for databases skin storage (recommended for large networks with a lot of skins) # [!] Make sure you have the correct permissions set for your MySQL user. [!] # [!] Make sure to fill in database.connectionOptions if you're using certificate / ssl authentication. [!] # [!] If you're not using ssl, change sslMode=trust to sslMode=disable [!] database: enabled: false host: localhost port: 3306 database: db username: root password: pass maxPoolSize: 10 tablePrefix: sr_ connectionOptions: sslMode=trust&serverTimezone=UTC ############ # Commands # ############ # Control behaviour of commands. # To learn more about commands and permissions, visit: https://skinsrestorer.net/docs/configuration/commands-permissions commands: # For all player commands to work by default, you need to give players the permission 'skinsrestorer.player'. # This option allows you to force the default permission (skinsrestorer.player) to be given to all players. # A value of 'false' will disable this behaviour, and players will need to be given the permission explicitly. # This is because some platforms (like BungeeCord) do not have a default permission system. # If your platform supports default permissions, this option is ignored. forceDefaultPermissions: true # Players cooldown in seconds when changing skins (set to 0 to disable). # SkinErrorCooldown is used when an error or invalid url occurs. # Can be bypassed with 'skinsrestorer.bypasscooldown'. skinChangeCooldown: 30 skinErrorCooldown: 5 # When enabled, only websites from the list below is allowed to be set using /skin url # [?] this is useful if you host your own image server. restrictSkinUrls: enabled: false list: - https://i.imgur.com - http://i.imgur.com - https://storage.googleapis.com - http://storage.googleapis.com - https://cdn.discordapp.com - http://cdn.discordapp.com - https://textures.minecraft.net - http://textures.minecraft.net # Skins in this list will be disabled, so users can't set them. # Can be bypassed with 'skinsrestorer.bypassdisabled'. disabledSkins: enabled: false list: - steve - owner # Allows the usage of per-skin permission. # Example: skinsrestorer.skin.xknat OR skinsrestorer.skin.Pistonmaster # with "skinsrestorer.ownskin" players can run /skin set %playerusername%. # [!] Only enable if you have set up permissions properly and know what you are doing. perSkinPermissions: false # How many commands to store in the player's command history. # This is used for the /skin undo command. # Use 0 to disable storing command history. maxHistoryLength: 36 # How many favourites a player may have. # This is used for the /skin favourite command. # Use 0 to disable storing favourites. maxFavouriteLength: 180 customHelp: # Override the automatically generated translated help message with a custom one. # This is useful if you want to have a custom help message for your server. # This only affects the base help message when running /skin with no parameters, not the error/subcommand help messages. enabled: false # The custom help message to send to the player when running /skin with no parameters. message: - Skin plugin Help - --------------------- - /skin set - Set your skin # # This option will disable the /skin command from being registered on the server. # Do not disable this unless you are overriding the /skin command with a different plugin or you don't want the skin command. # Requires a server restart to take effect. disableSkinCommand: false # # This option will disable the /skins command from being registered on the server. # Do not disable this unless you are overriding the /skins command with a different plugin or you don't want the GUI command. # Requires a server restart to take effect. disableGUICommand: false # Control what skins appear in the /skins GUI gui: # Control custom skins in the /skins GUI custom: # Whether custom skins are enabled in the /skins GUI enabled: true # Order of custom skins relative to the other skin types index: 0 # Whether only specific custom skins are allowed in the /skins GUI onlyShowList: false # Specific custom skins to show in the /skins GUI list: - xknat - pistonmaster # Control player skins in the /skins GUI players: # Whether player skins are enabled in the /skins GUI enabled: false # Order of player skins relative to the other skin types index: 1 # Whether only specific player skins are allowed in the /skins GUI onlyShowList: false # Specific player skins to show in the /skins GUI list: - 7dcfc130-344a-4719-9fbe-3176bc2075c6 - b1ae0778-4817-436c-96a3-a72c67cda060 # Control recommended skins in the /skins GUI recommendations: # Whether recommended skins are enabled in the /skins GUI enabled: true # Order of recommended skins relative to the other skin types index: 2 # Whether only specific recommended skins are allowed in the /skins GUI onlyShowList: false # Specific recommended skins to show in the /skins GUI list: - vampire - space-suit ########### # Storage # ########### # Here you can design the plugin the way you want it. # Enable or disable default skins # applyForPremium: false will only put a skin on skinless/steve players. # If there is more than one, the plugin will choose a random one. # [?] Supports custom & url.png skins, read SkinFile Generator below. [?] storage: defaultSkins: enabled: false applyForPremium: false list: - xknat - pistonmaster # # Enable this will require players to run "/skin update" to update their skin. disallowAutoUpdateSkin: false # Time that skins are stored in the database before we request again (in minutes). # [?] A value of 0 will disable auto updating of skins and players will need to manual run /skin update. # [!] Lowering this value will increase the amount of requests which could be a problem on large servers. skinExpiresAfter: 15 # How long we should cache the UUIDs of players (in minutes). uuidExpiresAfter: 60 ######### # Proxy # ######### # Change proxy specific settings here. proxy: # Disable all SkinsRestorer commands on specific backend servers. # [!] This only works & is relevant if you're using proxies like BungeeCord / Velocity notAllowedCommandServers: # Whether to enable the backend server command blocking feature. enabled: true # Block players from executing SkinsRestorer commands before having joined a server. ifNoServerBlockCommand: true # When false means servers in the list are NOT allowed to execute SkinsRestorer commands, true means ONLY servers in the list are allowed to execute SkinsRestorer commands. allowList: false # List of servers where SkinsRestorer commands are allowed/disallowed depending on the 'allowList' setting. list: - auth ########## # Server # ########## # Change server specific settings here. server: # Disabling this will stop SkinsRestorer from changing skins when a player loads a server resource pack. # When a player loads a server resource pack, their skin is reset. By default, SkinsRestorer reapplies the skin when the player reports that the resource pack has been loaded or an error has occurred. resourcePackFix: true # Dismounts a mounted (on a horse, or sitting) player when their skin is updated, preventing players from becoming desynced. # File override = ./plugins/SkinsRestorer/disableDismountPlayer.txt dismountPlayerOnSkinUpdate: true # Remounts a player that was dismounted after a skin update (above option must be true). # Disabling this is only recommended if you use plugins that allow you ride other players, or use sit. Otherwise you could get errors or players could be kicked for flying. # File override = ./plugins/SkinsRestorer/disableRemountPlayer.txt remountPlayerOnSkinUpdate: true # Dismounts all passengers mounting a player (such as plugins that let you ride another player), preventing those players from becoming desynced. # File override = ./plugins/SkinsRestorer/enableDismountEntities.txt dismountPassengersOnSkinUpdate: false sound: # Play a sound when a player runs /skin to change their skin. enabled: true # Sound to play when a player runs /skin to change their skin. # You can find the allowed format and values at # https://javadoc.io/static/com.github.cryptomorin/XSeries/11.0.0/com/cryptomorin/xseries/XSound.html#parse(java.lang.String) value: ENTITY_PLAYER_TELEPORT, 0.7 login: # Stops the process of setting a skin if the LoginEvent was canceled by an AntiBot plugin. # [?] Unsure? leave this true for better performance. noSkinIfLoginCanceled: true # This will make SkinsRestorer always apply the skin even if the player joins as premium on an online mode server. alwaysApplyPremium: false api: # Here you can fill in your APIKey for lower MineSkin request times. # Key can be requested from https://mineskin.org/apikey # [?] A key is not required, but recommended. mineskinAPIKey: key # SkinsRestorer uses MineSkin to generate usable skins from links. # All skins generated by MineSkin are by default shown in their public gallery on their website. # Enabling this option will hide all skins generated by MineSkin from their public gallery. mineskinSecretSkins: false # SkinsRestorer provides curated recommended skins for players to use # These skin can be used via /skin random and the /skins GUI # If you would like to opt out of this feature, set this to false. # It will prevent loading of recommended skins from storage and downloading new ones. # Be aware that commands like /skin random will not work without this feature. fetchRecommendedSkins: true ############### # Danger Zone # ############### # ABSOLUTELY DO NOT CHANGE SETTINGS HERE IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU DO! advanced: # # Enabling this will stop SkinsRestorer to change skins on join. # Handy for when you want run /skin apply to apply skin after texturepack popup disableOnJoinSkins: false # # This enables the PaperMC join event integration that allows instant skins on join. # It is recommended over the fallback listener because it is smoother and should not lag the server. # It also fixes all resource pack skin apply issues. # If your players are experiencing extremely long loading screens, try disabling this. enablePaperJoinListener: true # # When enabled SkinsRestorer will not try to connect to any web server, which means the follow things won't work: # Getting new skins from Mojang, looking up uuids of players, skin url, update checking and more. # SkinsRestorer will only be able to access already downloaded skins. # This is useful for servers that are not connected to the internet or have a firewall blocking connections. noConnections: false # Updater Settings # # Using outdated version void's support, compatibility & stability. # To block all types of automatic updates (which can risk keeping an exploit): # Create a file called 'noupdate.txt' in the plugin directory (./plugins/SkinsRestorer/ ) ################ # DEV's corner # ################ # Enable these on the dev's request dev: # Enable to start receiving debug messages about api requests & more. debug: false # End # # Useful tools: # # SkinFile Generator: # With SkinFile Generator, you can upload your own custom skin to get a unique .skin file that you can put in your skins folder, to use with SkinsRestorer. # Check it out here: https://generator.skinsrestorer.net # # SkinSystem: # With SkinSystem, you, as a server owner, can connect AuthMe with the SkinSystem website that you can host, to give your players the ability to upload custom skins. # Check it out here: https://github.com/SkinsRestorer/SkinSystem # # Useful Links # # Website: https://skinsrestorer.net # Docs: https://skinsrestorer.net/docs # Spigot: https://skinsrestorer.net/spigot # Github: https://github.com/SkinsRestorer/SkinsRestorer # Discord: https://skinsrestorer.net/discord