Commands: Reload: Description: Reloads the plugin and its configuration. Clear: Description: Clears the chat. Console: CONSOLE Unknown: UNKNOWN Messages: Commands: Reload: Success: '&aConfig was reloaded.' Clear: Success: '&aThe chat has been cleared by ' Chat: AdDetected: '&4[ERROR] &7Advertising is not allowed! &c(%perm)' BlockedWord: '&4[ERROR] &7You tried to write a word that is blocked!' AdNotify: "&c%player tried to write an ad in chat. He wrote: \n&a %message" NoOneListens: '&cNo players are near you to hear you talking! Try to use the global mode to chat globally.' CommandResult: NoPermission: '&4[ERROR] &7You don''t have permission for this! &c(%perm)' WrongUsage: '&c[ERROR] &7Wrong usage! Please type &6%cmd help&7!' AntiSpam: Denied: '&e[AntiSpam] &7You are not allowed to spam! Please wait another &e%time% &7seconds!' Player: Join: '%prefix%displayname%suffix &ejoined the game!' JoinFirstTime: '%prefix%displayname%suffix &ejoined the server for the first time!' Kick: '%prefix%displayname%suffix &ewas kicked from the game!' Quit: '%prefix%displayname%suffix &eleft the game!' UpdateFound: '&a[ChatEx]&7 A new update has been found on SpigotMC. Current version: %oldversion New version: %newversion. Click this message to download it!'